Parent Resources
Touchpoints T. Berry Brazelton, M. D.
Preschool: The Best Job-Training Program NPR
The Irreducible Needs of Children Brazelton and Greenspan
7 Kinds of Smart Thomas Armstrong Ph.D.
Raising Your Three Year Old Ames and ILG
Raising Your Four Year Old Ames and ILG
Raising Your Five Year Old Ames and ILG
Raising Your Six Year Old Ames and ILG
The Wonder of Boys Michael Gurian
The Wonder of Girls Michael Gurian
Beyond Self Esteem Curry and Johnson
Raising a Sensory Smart Child Lindsey Biel, M.A. OTR/L Nancy Peske
Endangered Minds Jane Healy
Your Child’s Growing Mind Jane Healy
Einstein Never Used Flash Cards Hirsh-Pesek and Golinkoff
Play Lisa Murphy
Easy to Love, Difficult to Discipline Becky A. Bailey, Ph.D.
The Out of Sync Child Stock and Kranowitz
The Out of Sync Child Has Fun Stock and Kranowitz
Colorado Assuring Better Child Health and Devlopment (ABCD) project works with families, pediatric health care providers, community members and child care providers to help them identify as many children who may have potential developmental delays as early as possible. ABCD also focuses on ensuring that once children with potential delays are identified, they are successfully connected with the services and resources they need (and are entitled to) as soon as possible.